San Francisco's Blessing
The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord show you his face and have mercy on you.
May the Lord turn His face towards you and grant you peace.
The Lord bless this servant of yours.
prayer for everyday
Blessed Father Saint Francis, look compassionately from the lofty throne of your Glory and pray for your people;
For this people whom you have chosen to serve you at all times in the ministry of the Lord. So be it.
First day
Admirable Father Saint Francis, angel of peace and herald of the King of kings, who with your virtues are one of the greatest glories of the Church, obtain for me by your wounds and by your greatness, the virtues proper to my state and the grace I ask of you. , if it is the will of God.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Second day
Glorious Father Saint Francis, Ark of holiness and founder of the Seraphic Order, for which you have called multitudes in your three Orders of Minors, Franciscan religious and third parties for the greater Glory of God, achieving in me the contempt of the world and the desire of the heavenly things.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Third day
Seraphic Father Saint Francis, most devoted to the Queen of Heaven, from whom you received ineffable kindnesses and proclaimed her Patronus of your works, obtain for me the filial devotion to the Immaculate Virgin Mary as is the will of God.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Fourth day
Most Holy Father Saint Francis, imitator of the Son of God and exact copy of Jesus, who by the abundant gifts of grace you have received and by your likeness to the Divine Redeemer you are called the new Christ, make him imitate your examples to copy more exactly the Divine Jesus model of the predestined.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Fifth day
Most patient Father Saint Francis, burning Seraphim and lover of the cross, that you were favored by Jesus with the impression of the Holy Wounds on your body, reaching me to carry the cross incessantly and bear fruits worthy of penance.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Sixth day
Wonderful Father Saint Francis, model of perfection, who occupies in heaven the highest place that the highest of fallen angels lost, watch over your children and devotees and make them always obtain the mercies of the Lord with your loving blessing.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Seventh day
Wonder father Saint Francis, who do great wonders in favor of those who take refuge in your patronage and your effective protection, grant that the promises made to your children may be fulfilled in me, that no one would condemn himself worthily wearing the habit, which would obtain the mercy for all to repent of their sins.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Eighth day
Most devoted Father Saint Francis, you are “the most loving Saint of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the victim most identified with Him, the soul that continually offers itself to divine justice to obtain mercy for sinners and love and grace for religious souls” , add to me the perfect love of God and neighbor.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Ninth Day
Most powerful Father Saint Francis, help of those who invoke you, who, by the will of God, free the souls of your children from Purgatory and obtain their entry into paradise, make me your true son, so that I always deserve your most valuable protection.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Closing Prayer:
Perfect, Seraphic father, the vineyard that your hands have planted and listen to the prayers of your children.
My Father Saint Francis, pray and bless your children and devotees. Amen.